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Author:  Johann [ Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  SETTING UP SVN

hi there,
Pat has installed a SVN repository on
I populated it with galprop v50p, which you can retrieve with the following command :

svn checkout svn:// galprop_local

Here galprop is the name of the project in the repository, whereas galprop_local is the name of your local copy and can be any string you want.
Note also that this galprop directory is what in CVS would be called HEAD area (as far as I understand SVN), that is to say that it is the development area.
Somebody who wants tag v50p should issue :

svn checkout svn:// galprop_local_v50p
though this is not yet available (coming shortly). Again, 'galprop_local_v50p' is arbitrary.

To learn SVN :

Note also that Pat has installed the corresponding web browser in

You should all have read access, but I do not know who has write access. Pat will probably set it up for authorized developers, a TBD concept.

enough for now!

Author:  strong [ Sat Oct 28, 2006 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  good start

thanks for setting it up, it is worth the effort.
For those like me who never used version control systems before
there will be a learning curve.

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