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PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:17 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:30 pm
Posts: 47
Location: Stanford U.
Dear GALPROP users,

A new version of the GALPROP code is available for download.
GALPROP version 54.1 can be obtained at
You will need to log in with your GALPROP web site credentials to access this page.

Another good news is that now all registered GALPROP users can download the
code and the data, without contacting us first. We still request appropriate
acknowledgement of the use of the code. Additionally, if you modify the code and
publish results obtained with it, please provide us your code modifications. They
may be included in future releases of the code for the use of the scientific

What's new in version 54.1:

- Some bugs in the installation process were fixed, including problems with HEALPix 2.20 support

- Fixed a bad implementation of the separate electron and nuclei source distribution.
Before the parameters for certain distribution were always pulled from either
source_parameters or source_parameters_electron depending on distribution but
independent of the particle being generated. However, the source model could
be specified independently for electrons and nuclei, causing some unexpected behaviour when not identical.

- has been improved.

- A number of minor fixes were implemented.

Thanks to those of you who have contributed to the development of the code by reporting bugs!
Please continue to provide your feedback via the forum and Bugzilla for GALPROP:

The GALPROP Explanatory Supplement is frequently updated, and the latest version can always be obtained at

Yours Sincerely,
The GALPROP developers

Andrey Vladimirov

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