3D model
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Author:  cnaumann [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  3D model

I have some questions regarding the 3D option:

I have been trying to use the 3D model a bit but unfortunately I have not found any good GALDEF files for that.

If I just modify my 2D ones with a grid size that does not crash my machine, the resulting gamma skymaps and spectra I get are very different from the ones I get with the 2D code (a factor 10 difference in the spectra, and the spatial distribution is also strange. In particular, the region close to the b=0 plane is nearly empty).

Does anybody have experience with this mode, and where can I get a GALDEF file from (for diffuse gamma emission in the >= GeV range) ?

Best Regards,


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