deuteron flux
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Author:  chchung [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:37 am ]
Post subject:  deuteron flux

Hi everyone,

I am using the latest version (50p) to calculate charged CR fluxes.
For the deuteron flux, I set the input parameter, max_Z = 2, to produce it because it is belived that deuterons are mainly generated by the spallation of the He nuclei.
However, the output file, nuclie_50p_xxxxxxx, couldn't generate enough flux to be match the experiment data from the AMS-01.

For comparison, I am posting the difference between 42.3p and 50p.
In case of v42.3p -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ene[GeV/n] E^2*Flux[GeV/n m^2 sec sr]^-1, modul.ated with Phi = 600MV
1.225 29.59 14.92
In case of v50p -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ene[GeV/n] E^2*Flux[GeV/n m^2 sec sr]^-1, modul.ated with Phi = 600MV
1.145 0.1059 0.04972

Is there anyone who generate the deutron flux with the latest version?
I would appreciate any comments and suggestions in advance.

Author:  strong [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  quick reply

I just noticed your comment.
We will look into it, I guess Igor may know.

Author:  imos [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

You are right, the calculation of the deuteron flux requires the production cross sections which are not in the public version. The next public version will have them.

Author:  chchung [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:56 am ]
Post subject: 

I checked the He(2, 3+4) spectrum using the same version(50p) and found that the calculated fluxes(LIS) above 20GeV/n were lower than experimental data set. In comparing the flux of He(2,3) to He(2,4), 3He is lower than 4He by a factor of four. In the AMS-01 paper(Physics Reports 366, 331, 2002), we could estimate 3He to be abundant of 11.5% in the total He events. Is there any missing production cross section or chain in the new release version? I run the conventional model and didn't check with different cross section option. Thanks for any comments in advance.

Author:  Beischer [ Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: deuteron flux

Hello everyone!

Any news on this? As far as I know, the He3 to He4 ratio is still wrong with version v50.1p.


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