I used galprop v.50p for my recent paper about CR from decaying DM.
While I used it, I found some bug in the code averaging DM density.
( "DM_profile_av()" in "gen_DM_source.cc")
The calculation with 3-d coordinate or non-cuspy profile is OK. But
the calculation with cuspy profile like NFW in 2-d coordinate make
unacceptably large CR fluxes. It maybe the problem in averaging DM
near the origin (Jacobi factor become significant in this region.).
By simply changing "int nuse" into "double ruse" and "nuse++" into "ruse+=rr",
code produce appropriate result.
double Galprop::DM_profile_av(double r,double z,double dr,double dz,double dzz)
double DM_profile_av_=0.0;
int nuse=0;
double ruse=0;
for (double zz=z-dz/2.; zz<=z+dz/2.; zz+=dzz)
for (double rr=r-dr/2.; rr<=r+dr/2.; rr+=dr/10.)
if (rr<0.) continue;
return (DM_profile_av_/ruse);
Ji-Haeng Huh (
High Energy Phenomenology Group
Dept. of Physics/Astronomy
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea