gsl library failure on mac during
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Author:  nutters [ Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  gsl library failure on mac during

I have a failure in creating the gsl library during the gsl install sequence for galprop v57_r1 on Mac OS Monterrey (12.7.3). I get the error "ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64". All missing symbols are in the cblas (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) family of gsl. The compiled objects are available in $INSTALL_DIRECTORY/lib/gsl-2.7/cblas, but the linker does not like/recognize them for some reason. Monterrey uses clang version 14.0.0 (same for clang++). I commented out the "-march=native" compiler command and reran from scratch with the same result.

Any suggestions on getting around this issue? I have a homebrew installation of gsl-2.7 but don't see how to override the install script to use that. I can post any relevant build and config logs if that will help.

Note that I commented out the gsl lines in the install script and ran into a similar problem with galtoolslib as the installation progressed, but one problem at a time, I think....

Author:  tporter [ Tue May 14, 2024 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gsl library failure on mac during

Hi Scott,
I use MacPorts versions for clang/clang++ and gfortran on 12.7.2 and the build works. The xcode version of the c/++ compilers is problematic, so I avoid that if at all possible. Can you retry with MacPorts and see if you get to a better place?

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