Farrar & Jansson B-field model
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Author:  strong [ Fri May 16, 2014 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  Farrar & Jansson B-field model
The Farrar&Jansson B-field model is available for GALPROP via a link on this article page.

Author:  erccarls [ Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Farrar & Jansson B-field model

Is this currently used just for synchrotron skymaps or also for energy losses?

I don't know this model yet, but I am curious if it modifies the CR distribution significantly compared to the old model? Especially, e.g. high energy positron fration (is the B-field still effectively homogeneous within a few kpc of the solar neighborhood? Also curious if it modifies gamma-ray skymaps much.

Author:  strong [ Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Farrar & Jansson B-field model

The B-field is always used self-consistently for both energy losses and synchrotron emission.
I have not studied the effect on the cosmic-ray lepton spectra, but I expect it will be small since the energy losses depend only on the total field, which is not very different in the various models (they mainly change details of the topology and regular vs random components). Hence the gamma skymaps will also not change much.
Note that one FJ implementation here (code from Farrar) is only the regular part. There is also a regular+random option, from the paper above. I have not tested this much.
Any experiences or feedback on this are welcome!
NB the GALPROP implementation is at

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