galdef used for Milagro Cygnus conventional model
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Author:  strong [ Thu Nov 23, 2006 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  galdef used for Milagro Cygnus conventional model

Here is the galdef file galdef_49_5001809RE
for the conventional model used in
- the Cygnus region detected by Milagro

Title = conventional as 49_5001809R, otherwise as 6002029RE with gammas to 1e8 MeV
n_spatial_dimensions = 2
r_min =00.0 min r
r_max =20.00 max r
dr = 1.0 delta r
z_min =-4.0 min z
z_max =+4.0 max z
dz = 0.10 delta z

x_min = 0.0 min x
x_max =+15.0 max x
dx = 0.2 delta x
y_min = 0.0 min y
y_max =+15.0 max y
dy = 0.2 delta y

p_min =1000 min momentum (MV)
p_max =4000 max momentum
p_factor =1.50 momentum factor

Ekin_min =1.0e0 min kinetic energy per nucleon (MeV)
Ekin_max =1.0e9 max kinetic energy per nucleon
Ekin_factor =1.2 kinetic energy per nucleon factor

p_Ekin_grid = Ekin p||Ekin alignment

E_gamma_min = 1.e1 min gamma-ray energy (MeV)
E_gamma_max = 1.e8 max gamma-ray energy (MeV)
E_gamma_factor = 2.00 gamma-ray energy factor
integration_mode = 0 integr.over part.spec.: =1-old E*logE; 0= PL analyt.

nu_synch_min = 1.0e6 min synchrotron frequency (Hz)
nu_synch_max = 1.0e11 max synchrotron frequency (Hz)
nu_synch_factor = 1.2 synchrotron frequency factor

long_min = 0.00 gamma-ray intensity skymap longitude minimum (deg)
long_max =359.50 gamma-ray intensity skymap longitude maximum (deg)
lat_min =-90.00 gamma-ray intensity skymap latitude minimum (deg)
lat_max =+90.00 gamma-ray intensity skymap latitude maximum (deg)
d_long = 0.50 gamma-ray intensity skymap longitude binsize (deg)
d_lat = 0.50 gamma-ray intensity skymap latitude binsize (deg)

D0_xx =5.80e28 diffusion coefficient at reference rigidity
D_rigid_br =4.0e3 reference rigidity for diffusion coefficient in MV
D_g_1 = 0.33 diffusion coefficient index below reference rigidity
D_g_2 = 0.33 diffusion coefficient index above reference rigidity
diff_reacc =1 1=include diffusive reacceleration
v_Alfven =30. Alfven speed in km s-1

damping_p0 = 1.e6 MV -some rigidity (where CR density is low)
damping_const_G = 0.02 a const derived from fitting B/C
damping_max_path_L = 3.e21 Lmax~1 kpc, max free path

convection =0 1=include convection
v0_conv =0. km s-1 v_conv=v0_conv+dvdz_conv*dz
dvdz_conv =10. km s-1 kpc-1 v_conv=v0_conv+dvdz_conv*dz

nuc_rigid_br =9.0e3 reference rigidity for nucleus injection index in MV
nuc_g_1 =1.98 nucleus injection index below reference rigidity
nuc_g_2 =2.42 nucleus injection index index above reference rigidity

inj_spectrum_type = rigidity rigidity||beta_rig||Etot nucleon injection spectrum type

electron_g_0 =1.60 electron injection index below electron_rigid_br0
electron_rigid_br0 =4.0e3 reference rigidity0 for electron injection index in MV
electron_g_1 =2.54 electron injection index below reference rigidity
electron_rigid_br =1.0e9 reference rigidity for electron injection index in MV
electron_g_2 =5.0 electron injection index index above reference rigidity

He_H_ratio =0.11 He/H of ISM, by number
X_CO =0.4E20,0.4E20,0.6E20,0.8E20,1.5E20,10.0E20,10.0E20,10.0E20,10.0E20 conversion factor from CO integrated temperature to H2 column density
for CO rings 0.0 - 1.5 - 3.5 - 5.5 - 7.5 - 9.5 - 11.5 - 13.5 - 15.5 - 50 kpc
fragmentation =1 1=include fragmentation
momentum_losses =1 1=include momentum losses
radioactive_decay =1 1=include radioactive decay
K_capture =1 1=include K-capture

start_timestep =1.0e7
end_timestep =1.0e2
timestep_factor =0.25
timestep_repeat =20 number of repeats per timestep in timetep_mode=1
timestep_repeat2 =0 number of timesteps in timetep_mode=2
timestep_print =10000 number of timesteps between printings
timestep_diagnostics =10000 number of timesteps between diagnostics
control_diagnostics =0 control detail of diagnostics

network_iterations = 1 number of iterations of entire network

prop_r = 1 1=propagate in r (2D)
prop_x = 1 1=propagate in x (2D,3D)
prop_y = 1 1=propagate in y (3D)
prop_z = 1 1=propagate in z (3D)
prop_p = 1 1=propagate in momentum

use_symmetry = 0 0=no symmetry, 1=optimized symmetry, 2=xyz symmetry by copying(3D)

vectorized = 0 0=unvectorized code, 1=vectorized code

source_specification = 0 2D::1:r,z=0 2:z=0 3D::1:x,y,z=0 2:z=0 3:x=0 4:y=0
source_model = 1 0=zero 1=parameterized 2=Case&B 3=pulsars 4= 5=S&Mattox 6=S&Mattox with cutoff
source_parameters_1 = 2.35 model 1:alpha
source_parameters_2 = 5.56283 model 1:beta
source_parameters_3 = 15.0 model 1:rmax

n_cr_sources = 0 number of pointlike cosmic-ray sources 3D only!
cr_source_x_01 = 10.0 x position of cosmic-ray source 1 (kpc)
cr_source_y_01 = 10.0 y position of cosmic-ray source 1
cr_source_z_01 = 0.1 z position of cosmic-ray source 1
cr_source_w_01 = 0.1 sigma width of cosmic-ray source 1
cr_source_L_01 = 1.0 luminosity of cosmic-ray source 1
cr_source_x_02 = 3.0 x position of cosmic-ray source 2
cr_source_y_02 = 4.0 y position of cosmic-ray source 2
cr_source_z_02 = 0.2 z position of cosmic-ray source 2
cr_source_w_02 = 2.4 sigma width of cosmic-ray source 2
cr_source_L_02 = 2.0 luminosity of cosmic-ray source 2

SNR_events = 0 handle stochastic SNR events
SNR_interval = 1.0e4 time interval in years between SNR in 1 kpc^-3 volume
SNR_livetime = 1.0e4 CR-producing live-time in years of an SNR
SNR_electron_sdg = 0.00 delta electron source index Gaussian sigma
SNR_nuc_sdg = 0.00 delta nucleus source index Gaussian sigma
SNR_electron_dgpivot = 5.0e3 delta electron source index pivot rigidity (MeV)
SNR_nuc_dgpivot = 5.0e3 delta nucleus source index pivot rigidity (MeV)

HI_survey = 9 HI survey 8=orig 8 rings 9=new 9 rings
CO_survey = 9 CO survey 8=orig 8 rings 9=new 9 rings

B_field_model = 050100020 bbbrrrzzz bbb=10*B(0) rrr=10*rscale zzz=10*zscale
ISRF_file = RFComposite5kpcJuly112005.fits input ISRF file
ISRF_factors = 1.0,1.0,1.0 ISRF factors for IC calculation: optical, FIR, CMB

proton_norm_Ekin = 1.00e+5 proton kinetic energy for normalization (MeV)
proton_norm_flux = 5.00e-9 flux of protons at normalization energy (cm^-2 sr^-1 s^-1 MeV^-1)

electron_norm_Ekin = 34.5e3 electron kinetic energy for normalization (MeV)
electron_norm_flux = 0.40e-9 flux of electrons at normalization energy (cm^-2 sr^-1 s^-1 MeV^-1)

max_Z = 2 maximum number of nucleus Z listed
use_Z_1 = 1
use_Z_2 = 1
use_Z_3 = 1
use_Z_4 = 1
use_Z_5 = 1
use_Z_6 = 1
use_Z_7 = 1
use_Z_8 = 1
use_Z_9 = 1
use_Z_10 = 1
use_Z_11 = 1
use_Z_12 = 1
use_Z_13 = 1
use_Z_14 = 1
use_Z_15 = 1
use_Z_16 = 1
use_Z_17 = 1
use_Z_18 = 1
use_Z_19 = 1
use_Z_20 = 1
use_Z_21 = 1
use_Z_22 = 1
use_Z_23 = 1
use_Z_24 = 1
use_Z_25 = 1
use_Z_26 = 1
use_Z_27 = 1
use_Z_28 = 1
use_Z_29 = 0
use_Z_30 = 0

iso_abundance_01_001 = 1.060e6 p Source ELEM.abund.: Meyer,Drury,Ellison 1998,SSRv 86,179 /Tbl 1
iso_abundance_02_004 = 0.064e6 p/He: imos 20031026: ApJ2002 // Solar system relative isotope abund.:
iso_abundance_06_012 = 2964. C =3000 12- 0.955
iso_abundance_06_013 = 36. 13- 0.045
iso_abundance_07_014 = 137. N
iso_abundance_08_016 = 3720. O
iso_abundance_10_020 = 282. Ne =??? 20- 0.88
iso_abundance_10_022 = 85. 22/20 =0.3 in source (DuVernois et al 1996) 22- 0.12
iso_abundance_11_023 = 21. Na
iso_abundance_12_024 = 572. Mg =734 24- 0.78
iso_abundance_12_025 = 73.4 25- 0.10
iso_abundance_12_026 = 88.6 26- 0.12
iso_abundance_13_027 = 54. Al
iso_abundance_14_028 = 651. Si =707 28- 0.92
iso_abundance_14_029 = 35. 29- 0.05
iso_abundance_14_030 = 21. 30- 0.03
iso_abundance_15_031 = 4.92 P
iso_abundance_16_032 = 92.4 S
iso_abundance_18_036 = 15.2 Ar
iso_abundance_20_040 = 42. Ca
iso_abundance_24_040 = 10. Cr -introduced by imos
iso_abundance_25_053 = 4. Mn -introduced by imos
iso_abundance_25_055 = 12. -introduced by imos
iso_abundance_26_054 = 57.77 Fe =713 Source abund.: Connell & Simpson 1997 54/56= 9.3%
iso_abundance_26_055 = 9.94 55/56= 1.6%
iso_abundance_26_056 = 621.19 56/56= 100%
iso_abundance_26_057 = 22.98 57/56= 3.7%
iso_abundance_26_058 = 1.12 58/56= 0.18%
iso_abundance_27_059 = 1.28 Co
iso_abundance_28_058 = 26.59 Ni =40.2 Source abund.: Connell & Simpson 1997 58/58= 100%
iso_abundance_28_059 = 0.69 59/58= 2.6%
iso_abundance_28_060 = 11.49 60/58=43.2%
iso_abundance_28_061 = 0. 61/58 <1.2%
iso_abundance_28_062 = 1.44 62.58= 5.4%

total_cross_section = 2 total cross section option: 0=L83 1=WA96 2=BP01
cross_section_option = 012 100*i+j i=1: use Heinbach-Simon C,O->B j=kopt j=11=Webber, 21=ST

t_half_limit = 1.0e4 year - lower limit on radioactive half-life for explicit inclusion

primary_electrons = 1
secondary_positrons = 1
secondary_electrons = 1
secondary_antiproton = 0 0 1 2
tertiary_antiproton = 0
secondary_protons = 0

gamma_rays = 1 1=compute gamma rays 2=also for HI,CO rings
pi0_decay = 1 1= old formalism 2=Blattnig et al.
IC_anisotropic = 0 1=compute anisotropic IC
synchrotron = 1 1=compute synchrotron

output_gcr_full = 1 output full galactic cosmic ray array
warm_start = 0 read in nuclei file and continue run

verbose = 0 verbosity: 0=min,10=max <0: selected debugs
test_suite = 0 run test suite instead of normal run

Author:  strong [ Fri May 25, 2007 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  galdef milagro conventional model

a user noticed that cut-and-paste of the galdef parameters does not work
since the character spacing is lost (and is essential for galprop reading)
So I will provide it as a file to anyone who wants it,
and will put the whole data (+galdef) at

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