Paolo Desiati - Title & Abstract
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Author:  desiati [ Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Paolo Desiati - Title & Abstract

Author: Paolo Desiati

Title: Cosmic Ray Anisotropy in IceCube and Propagation Properties in the Interstellar Medium

Abstract: The IceCube Observatory, designed to detect high energy neutrinos, collects a large volume of cosmic ray induced muon events. Several 10^10 events were analyzed to determine the arrival direction of cosmic rays, and an anisotropy at the level of 10^-4 was observed from about 10 TeV to about 400 TeV for the first time in the southern equatorial sky. The anisotropy structure evolution as a function of energy and its fine angular features, can provide some hints on the origin of the observation. In particular these results will be useful to test particle propagation in the turbulent interstellar medium and can be used to verify the consistency of current knowledge of the local interstellar magnetic fields.

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