Hi, I seem to be having problems using the Web run with varying magnetic field models. If I upload a galdef file with, say
B_field_name = galprop_orig the name of the B-field model n_B_field_parameters = 10 number of B-field parameters B_field_parameters = 5e-6,10.0,10.0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 parameters of the model specified by B_field_name
then seems to be read in the Webrun as
B_field_name = galprop_original the name of the B-field model n_B_field_parameters = 10 number of B-field parameters B_field_parameters = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 parameters of the model specified by B_field_name
and instead B_field_model=050100020 is used (even if this parameter is not defined in the galdef file).
Is there any fix for this? Does the same problem exist in the code if I run it locally? I.e. will it just read these parameters as '0', or is this just an issue in the Webrun?