Reproducing a paper
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Author:  matthias.v [ Tue May 06, 2014 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Reproducing a paper


I've been trying to reproduce one of the models in the paper "Testing the origin of HECR's" ( for quite some time now, but have been unable to (testing both with webrun and galprop r2423). More specifically, for the Injection scenario there, if I try to get the H and He spectrum to fit by using a double broken power law (and copying the few parameters that are giving in the paper), the H/He ratio becomes very unsmooth. I am guessing I am doing something stupid with the parameters in the galdef file. Some papers do have galdef files with them, but I can't seem to find them for this paper. Are the relevant galdef files available somewhere?

Best regards,

edit: of course with the webrun I could only do the once broken power law, but then I can't fit the H-spectrum (which I can't do with the given spectral indices for the double broken one either btw)

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