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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:12 am 

Joined: Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:24 am
Posts: 2

After downloading GALTOOLSLIB version 1.0 and successfully building&installing it, i downloaded galprop-56.0.2870.tar.gz and managed to build&install it, too.
The README in the GALPROP folder mentions a './FITS' folder from where i can copy some required input files to run the example, but i am not able to locate this folder.
I am totally new to galprop, so i am sure i am missing something basic here.

Actually i am primarily interested in the ISRF in certain regions of our galaxy, and thought i could access the model presented in the last ICRC 2017 in Busan ( through galprop.
Let's say i have the coordinates and a distance estimate of some object in our galaxy, would it be possible to use galprop to extract the ISRF at this specific location?

Thank you for the read!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 1:36 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:14 pm
Posts: 12
Version 56 does not include the fits files. However you can download from the source code download page under this name - " galprop-54_data_081715.tar.gz " and create a fits directory and extract the files there.

If you check the galdef file that comes with the source code, contains input parameters (file name) like

#The annuli are only used for gamma-ray output
COR_filename = rbands_co10mm_v2_2001_qdeg.fits.gz #CO gas annuli, not used if empty
HIR_filename = rbands_hi12_v2_qdeg_zmax1_Ts150_EBV_mag2_limit.fits.gz #HI gas annuli, not used if empty

These data files are also available in the galprop repository. Download, extract and put them in the fits directory. They are needed to run galprop, otherwise it will terminate! (Be careful with the _v2_ addition in the galdef file)
Once done you can now configure the galprop with ./configure and give the fits directory path and then proceed to make and make install.
With this you don't have to specify the fits directory path on each run as it's mentioned in the README file.

Hopefully it helps you !

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 5:36 am 

Joined: Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:24 am
Posts: 2
Thank you a lot for the quick reply and help!!

Two more question :)
1) Do you happen to know if the files in 'galprop-54_data_081715.tar.gz' (FITS/ISRF/Standard/) were obtained using the new model presented at ICRC 2017 (
2) Are there some (internal) galprop functions that i could use to obtain the ISRF at a certain point in the Milky Way?

Thanks again for the read and have a nice week end!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 1:06 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:14 pm
Posts: 12
It's difficult for me to answer properly as I'm not so much acquired with the gamma-ray calculation.
However one of the developers Dr. Johannesson mentioned in a different thread that FITS files for version 54 and 56 are same.


Even though the ICRC paper said that data files for the 3D ISRF models will be made public but I guess it's still under preparation.
I recommend this paper ( ... a844d/meta).

Proper description of ISRF is necessary as it's very important for IC energy loss and gamma-ray calculations. You can calculate the different component of gamma-rays from the fits files (output of GALPROP run).

I think developers used FRaNKIE code to calculate the spectral intensity for 3D galactic structure. So if you are specifically interested in ISRF distribution probably you need FRaNKIE code. You can get a description here (

Hopefully this helps a bit!

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