hello, I have a question for the galprop v54 result files. After running the galprop v54, I got a IC_emiss_54_xxx.gz and opend it with the fv5.3. It has a 26x41x23x4 dimension. How can I match these dimension numbers with my galdel file? Anybody look for it and give to me any advices. Thank you.
This is my galdef file. ================== Title = Untitled WebRun calculation n_spatial_dimensions = 2 r_min = 0.0 min r r_max = 25 max r dr = 1.0 delta r z_min = -4.0 min z z_max = +4.0 max z dz = 0.2 delta z x_min = -20.0 min x x_max = +20.0 max x dx = 1.0 delta x y_min = -20.0 min y y_max = +20.0 max y dy = 1.0 delta y p_Ekin_grid = Ekin p||Ekin alignment p_min = 1000 min momentum (MV) p_max = 4000 max momentum (MV) p_factor = 1.3 momentum factor Ekin_min = 1.0e1 min kinetic energy per nucleon (MeV) Ekin_max = 1.0e8 max kinetic energy per nucleon (MeV) Ekin_factor = 1.3 kinetic energy per nucleon factor gamma_rays = 2 1=compute gamma rays 2=compute HI, H2 skymaps separately. pi0_decay = 3 1= old formalism 2=Blattnig et al. 3=Kamae et al. IC_isotropic = 2 1=compute isotropic IC: 1=compute full; 2=store skymaps components IC_anisotropic = 1 1=compute anisotropic IC bremss = 1 1=compute bremsstrahlung integration_mode = 0 integr.over part.spec.: =1-old E*logE; =0-PL analyt. E_gamma_min = 100 min gamma-ray energy (MeV) E_gamma_max = 1.0e6 max gamma-ray energy (MeV) E_gamma_factor = 1.5 gamma-ray energy factor ISRF_factors = 1.0,1.0,1.0 ISRF factors for IC calculation: optical, FIR, CMB synchrotron = 1 1=compute synchrotron nu_synch_min = 1.0e6 min synchrotron frequency (Hz) nu_synch_max = 1.0e10 max synchrotron frequency (Hz) nu_synch_factor = 2.0 synchrotron frequency factor long_min = 0 gamma-ray intensity skymap longitude minimum (deg) long_max = 360 gamma-ray intensity skymap longitude maximum (deg) lat_min = -90 gamma-ray intensity skymap latitude minimum (deg) lat_max = +90 gamma-ray intensity skymap latitude maximum (deg) d_long = 1.0 gamma-ray intensity skymap longitude binsize (deg) d_lat = 1.0 gamma-ray intensity skymap latitude binsize (deg) healpix_order = 6 order for healpix skymaps. 6 gives ~1.0 degree resolution and it changes by an order of 2. lat_substep_number = 1 latitude bin splitting (0,1=no split, 2=split in 2...) LoS_step = 0.01 kpc, Line of Sight (LoS) integration step LoS_substep_number = 1 number of substeps per LoS integration step (0,1=no substeps) .... D0_xx = 6.10e28 diffusion coefficient at reference rigidity D_rigid_br = 4.0e3 reference rigidity for diffusion coefficient, MV D_g_1 = 0.33 diffusion coefficient index below reference rigidity D_g_2 = 0.33 diffusion coefficient index above reference rigidity diff_reacc = 1 1=include diffusive reacceleration v_Alfven = 30.0 Alfven speed in km s^{-1} damping_p0 = 1.0e6 some rigidity, MV, (where CR density is low) damping_const_G = 0.02 a const derived from fitting B/C damping_max_path_L = 3.0e21 Lmax~1 kpc, max free path convection = 0 1=include convection v0_conv = 0.0 V0 convection in km s^-1 dvdz_conv = 7.0 dV/dz=grad V in km s^-1 kpc^-1 nuc_rigid_br = 1.0e2 reference rigidity for primary nucleus injection index in MV nuc_g_1 = 2.43 nucleus injection index below reference rigidity nuc_g_2 = 2.43 nucleus injection index above reference rigidity inj_spectrum_type = rigidity rigidity||beta_rig||Etot nucleon injection spectrum tipe electron_g_0 = 2.50 electron injection index below electron_rigid_br0 electron_rigid_br0 = 1.0e3 reference rigidity0 for electron injection index in MV electron_g_1 = 2.50 electron injection index between electron_rigid_br0 and electron_rigid_br electron_rigid_br = 1.0e3 reference rigidity for electron injection index in MV electron_g_2 = 2.50 electron injection index above reference rigidity He_H_ratio = 0.11 He/H of ISM, by number n_X_CO = 9 an option to select functional dependence of X_CO=X_CO(r) n_X_CO_values = 0 only for n_X_CO=1, which is not used X_CO_values = 0 only for n_X_CO=1, which is not used propagation_X_CO = 0 not used X_CO_radius = 0 only for n_X_CO=1, which is not used X_CO = 1.9E20 CO to H2 conversion factors, used both in propagation and skymap genergation X_CO_parameters_0 = 1.0E20 Parameter X0 for n_X_CO = 2 X_CO_parameters_1 = 1 Parameter A for n_X_CO = 2 X_CO_parameters_2 = 0 Parameter B for n_X_CO = 2 X_CO_parameters_3 = 0 Parameter C for n_X_CO = 2 nHI_model = 1 an option to select analytical HI model nH2_model = 1 an option to select analytical CO model nHII_model = 1 an option to select analytical HII model COR_filename = rbands_co10mm_v3_2001_hdeg.fits HIR_filename = rbands_hi12_v5_hdeg_zmax1_Ts125.fits GCR_data_filename = GCR_data_1.dat fragmentation = 1 1=include fragmentation momentum_losses = 1 1=include momentum losses radioactive_decay = 1 1=include radioactive decay K_capture = 0 1=include K-capture ionization_rate = 0 1=compute ionization rate start_timestep = 1.0e9 (years) end_timestep = 100 (years) timestep_factor = 0.50 timestep_repeat = 20 number of repeats per timestep in timestep_mode=1 timestep_repeat2 = 0 number of repeats per timestep in timestep_mode=2 timestep_print = 10000 number of timesteps between printings timestep_diagnostics = 10000 number of timesteps between diagnostics control_diagnostics = 0 control details of diagnostics network_iterations = 2 number of iterations of entire network network_iter_compl = 2 number of iterations of entire network network_iter_sec = 1 number of iterations for secondary particles with A<=1 prop_r = 1 1=propagate in r (2D) prop_x = 1 1=propagate in x (3D) prop_y = 1 1=propagate in y (3D) prop_z = 1 1=propagate in z (2D, 3D) prop_p = 1 1=propagate in p (2D, 3D) use_symmetry = 0 0=no symmetry, 1=optimized symmetry, 2=xyz symmetry by copying (3D) vectorized = 0 0=unvectorized code, 1=vectorized code source_specification = 0 2D::1:r,z=0 2:z=0 3D::1:x,y,z=0 2:z=0 3:x=0 4:y=0 source_model = 1 0=zero 1=parameterized 2=case-B 3=pulsars 5=S-Mattox 6=S-Mattox with cutoff 7=Gaussian 8=Table 9=HI+H2 10=H2 11=HII ... total_cross_section = 2 =0 -Letaw83; =1 - WA96 Z.gt.5 and BP01 Z.lt.6; =2 -BP01 (2-best) cross_section_option = 012 100*i+j i=1: use Heinbach-Simon C,O->B j=kopt j=11=Webber, 21=ST t_half_limit = 1.0e4 year - lower limit on radioactive half-life for explicit inclusion primary_electrons = 1 secondary_electrons = 1 knock_on_electrons = 0 1,2 1=compute knock-on electrons (p,He) 2= use factor 1.75 to scale pp,pHe secondary_positrons = 1 secondary_protons = 1 secondary_antiproton = 2 1=uses nuclear scaling; 2=uses nuclear factors by Simon et al. (1998) tertiary_antiproton = 1 skymap_format = 3 fitsfile format: 0=old format (the default), 1=mapcube for glast science tools, 2=both, 3=healpix output_gcr_full = 0 output full galactic cosmic ray array warm_start = 0 read in nucle file and continue run verbose = 0 verbosity: -1=min,10=max test_suite = 0 test suite instead of normal run