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PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:16 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:24 pm
Posts: 7
I have a question for the galprop v54 result files.
After running the galprop v54, I got a IC_emiss_54_xxx.gz and opend it with the fv5.3.
It has a 26x41x23x4 dimension.
How can I match these dimension numbers with my galdel file?
Anybody look for it and give to me any advices.
Thank you.

This is my galdef file.
Title = Untitled WebRun calculation
n_spatial_dimensions = 2
r_min = 0.0 min r
r_max = 25 max r
dr = 1.0 delta r
z_min = -4.0 min z
z_max = +4.0 max z
dz = 0.2 delta z
x_min = -20.0 min x
x_max = +20.0 max x
dx = 1.0 delta x
y_min = -20.0 min y
y_max = +20.0 max y
dy = 1.0 delta y
p_Ekin_grid = Ekin p||Ekin alignment
p_min = 1000 min momentum (MV)
p_max = 4000 max momentum (MV)
p_factor = 1.3 momentum factor
Ekin_min = 1.0e1 min kinetic energy per nucleon (MeV)
Ekin_max = 1.0e8 max kinetic energy per nucleon (MeV)
Ekin_factor = 1.3 kinetic energy per nucleon factor
gamma_rays = 2 1=compute gamma rays 2=compute HI, H2 skymaps separately.
pi0_decay = 3 1= old formalism 2=Blattnig et al. 3=Kamae et al.
IC_isotropic = 2 1=compute isotropic IC: 1=compute full; 2=store skymaps components
IC_anisotropic = 1 1=compute anisotropic IC
bremss = 1 1=compute bremsstrahlung
integration_mode = 0 integr.over part.spec.: =1-old E*logE; =0-PL analyt.
E_gamma_min = 100 min gamma-ray energy (MeV)
E_gamma_max = 1.0e6 max gamma-ray energy (MeV)
E_gamma_factor = 1.5 gamma-ray energy factor
ISRF_factors = 1.0,1.0,1.0 ISRF factors for IC calculation: optical, FIR, CMB
synchrotron = 1 1=compute synchrotron
nu_synch_min = 1.0e6 min synchrotron frequency (Hz)
nu_synch_max = 1.0e10 max synchrotron frequency (Hz)
nu_synch_factor = 2.0 synchrotron frequency factor
long_min = 0 gamma-ray intensity skymap longitude minimum (deg)
long_max = 360 gamma-ray intensity skymap longitude maximum (deg)
lat_min = -90 gamma-ray intensity skymap latitude minimum (deg)
lat_max = +90 gamma-ray intensity skymap latitude maximum (deg)
d_long = 1.0 gamma-ray intensity skymap longitude binsize (deg)
d_lat = 1.0 gamma-ray intensity skymap latitude binsize (deg)
healpix_order = 6 order for healpix skymaps. 6 gives ~1.0 degree resolution and it changes by an order of 2.
lat_substep_number = 1 latitude bin splitting (0,1=no split, 2=split in 2...)
LoS_step = 0.01 kpc, Line of Sight (LoS) integration step
LoS_substep_number = 1 number of substeps per LoS integration step (0,1=no substeps)
D0_xx = 6.10e28 diffusion coefficient at reference rigidity
D_rigid_br = 4.0e3 reference rigidity for diffusion coefficient, MV
D_g_1 = 0.33 diffusion coefficient index below reference rigidity
D_g_2 = 0.33 diffusion coefficient index above reference rigidity
diff_reacc = 1 1=include diffusive reacceleration
v_Alfven = 30.0 Alfven speed in km s^{-1}
damping_p0 = 1.0e6 some rigidity, MV, (where CR density is low)
damping_const_G = 0.02 a const derived from fitting B/C
damping_max_path_L = 3.0e21 Lmax~1 kpc, max free path
convection = 0 1=include convection
v0_conv = 0.0 V0 convection in km s^-1
dvdz_conv = 7.0 dV/dz=grad V in km s^-1 kpc^-1
nuc_rigid_br = 1.0e2 reference rigidity for primary nucleus injection index in MV
nuc_g_1 = 2.43 nucleus injection index below reference rigidity
nuc_g_2 = 2.43 nucleus injection index above reference rigidity
inj_spectrum_type = rigidity rigidity||beta_rig||Etot nucleon injection spectrum tipe
electron_g_0 = 2.50 electron injection index below electron_rigid_br0
electron_rigid_br0 = 1.0e3 reference rigidity0 for electron injection index in MV
electron_g_1 = 2.50 electron injection index between electron_rigid_br0 and electron_rigid_br
electron_rigid_br = 1.0e3 reference rigidity for electron injection index in MV
electron_g_2 = 2.50 electron injection index above reference rigidity
He_H_ratio = 0.11 He/H of ISM, by number
n_X_CO = 9 an option to select functional dependence of X_CO=X_CO(r)
n_X_CO_values = 0 only for n_X_CO=1, which is not used
X_CO_values = 0 only for n_X_CO=1, which is not used
propagation_X_CO = 0 not used
X_CO_radius = 0 only for n_X_CO=1, which is not used
X_CO = 1.9E20 CO to H2 conversion factors, used both in propagation and skymap genergation
X_CO_parameters_0 = 1.0E20 Parameter X0 for n_X_CO = 2
X_CO_parameters_1 = 1 Parameter A for n_X_CO = 2
X_CO_parameters_2 = 0 Parameter B for n_X_CO = 2
X_CO_parameters_3 = 0 Parameter C for n_X_CO = 2
nHI_model = 1 an option to select analytical HI model
nH2_model = 1 an option to select analytical CO model
nHII_model = 1 an option to select analytical HII model
COR_filename = rbands_co10mm_v3_2001_hdeg.fits
HIR_filename = rbands_hi12_v5_hdeg_zmax1_Ts125.fits
GCR_data_filename = GCR_data_1.dat
fragmentation = 1 1=include fragmentation
momentum_losses = 1 1=include momentum losses
radioactive_decay = 1 1=include radioactive decay
K_capture = 0 1=include K-capture
ionization_rate = 0 1=compute ionization rate
start_timestep = 1.0e9 (years)
end_timestep = 100 (years)
timestep_factor = 0.50
timestep_repeat = 20 number of repeats per timestep in timestep_mode=1
timestep_repeat2 = 0 number of repeats per timestep in timestep_mode=2
timestep_print = 10000 number of timesteps between printings
timestep_diagnostics = 10000 number of timesteps between diagnostics
control_diagnostics = 0 control details of diagnostics
network_iterations = 2 number of iterations of entire network
network_iter_compl = 2 number of iterations of entire network
network_iter_sec = 1 number of iterations for secondary particles with A<=1
prop_r = 1 1=propagate in r (2D)
prop_x = 1 1=propagate in x (3D)
prop_y = 1 1=propagate in y (3D)
prop_z = 1 1=propagate in z (2D, 3D)
prop_p = 1 1=propagate in p (2D, 3D)
use_symmetry = 0 0=no symmetry, 1=optimized symmetry, 2=xyz symmetry by copying (3D)
vectorized = 0 0=unvectorized code, 1=vectorized code
source_specification = 0 2D::1:r,z=0 2:z=0 3D::1:x,y,z=0 2:z=0 3:x=0 4:y=0
source_model = 1 0=zero 1=parameterized 2=case-B 3=pulsars 5=S-Mattox 6=S-Mattox with cutoff 7=Gaussian 8=Table 9=HI+H2 10=H2 11=HII
total_cross_section = 2 =0 -Letaw83; =1 - WA96 and BP01; =2 -BP01 (2-best)
cross_section_option = 012 100*i+j i=1: use Heinbach-Simon C,O->B j=kopt j=11=Webber, 21=ST
t_half_limit = 1.0e4 year - lower limit on radioactive half-life for explicit inclusion
primary_electrons = 1
secondary_electrons = 1
knock_on_electrons = 0 1,2 1=compute knock-on electrons (p,He) 2= use factor 1.75 to scale pp,pHe
secondary_positrons = 1
secondary_protons = 1
secondary_antiproton = 2 1=uses nuclear scaling; 2=uses nuclear factors by Simon et al. (1998)
tertiary_antiproton = 1
skymap_format = 3 fitsfile format: 0=old format (the default), 1=mapcube for glast science tools, 2=both, 3=healpix
output_gcr_full = 0 output full galactic cosmic ray array
warm_start = 0 read in nucle file and continue run
verbose = 0 verbosity: -1=min,10=max
test_suite = 0 test suite instead of normal run

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:37 pm 

Joined: Wed May 17, 2006 7:02 am
Posts: 285
Location: MPE Garching

26= radial R points
41= vertical z points
23= energies
4= components: 1=optical 2=IR 3=CMB 4=total

There is also the file with just the total (i.e. without "comp" in the filename)

It is explained in the Explanatory Supplement, ... lement.pdf
see page 12. It is not clear enough since it does not say explicitly which component is in which dimension. We will fix it.

Andy Strong, MPE

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