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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:25 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:58 pm
Posts: 9
Dear Prof. Strong,

Here ,I have some problems about energy loss rate of electron :

I have read your paper:
On possible interpretations of the high energy electron–positron spectrum
measured by the Fermi Large Area Telescope at Astroparticle Physics 32 (2009) 140–151

At the appendix A,I want to know if or not the parameter b(E) (energy loss reate ) is changed at the GALDEF file.I not find which is relative to b(E) at the GALDEF file.If or not I may modify the GALPROP code to do it.

If the equation (A-1) may be resolved by running the GALPROP or not ? The GALPROP 's propagation equation is different to A-1 and if I may modify the GALDEF parameters to fit the equation (A-1) .

I want to know how to change the b(E) by modifying some parameters or GALPROP code.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:22 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:58 pm
Posts: 9
I give the following code to resolve the problems.

{for(int ir=0; ir<oneParticle.n_rgrid; ir++)
{for(int iz=0; iz<oneParticle.n_zgrid; iz++)
{for(int ip=0; ip<oneParticle.n_pgrid; ip++)
oneParticle.dpdt.d2[ir] [iz].s[ip]=oneParticleEnergyLoss(oneParticle.Etot[ip]);
oneParticle.Dxx.d2[ir][iz].s[ip] = oneParticle.beta[ip]*oneParticleDXX(oneParticle.Etot[ip]);
} // p
} // z
} // r

oneParticleEnergyLoss and oneParticleDXX give the expression of some model.

for electron Etot=rigidity

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