Computing gamma-ray emission in the intracluster medium
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Author:  bwoshea [ Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  Computing gamma-ray emission in the intracluster medium

I would like to use galprop to compute gamma-ray emission in the intracluster medium. Essentially what I would like to do is generate a lookup table so that, given the temperature, density, and magnetic field configuration of the local plasma and the local cosmic ray properties (number density, energy spectrum) I would be able to calculate the local instantaneous gamma-ray emission spectrum. This seems like it ought to be easy, but I can't quite see how to do it from the web interface. Any suggestions?

Thank you!

Author:  strong [ Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Computing gamma-ray emission in the intracluster medium

Your project sounds very interesting and deserves support.

Anyway, GALPROP cannot do directly what you want, but still all the
functions are there as subroutines, for hadronic and leptonic processes,
and it is quite easy to pick them out for your particular application. We
can give more specific help if you need.

Apart from that, a set of routines designed for applications like yours is
also available at
and this will continue to grow.

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